
Sweat Hawgs Teams April 2018

Home > What's Happening in Placer Bonito..... > Sweat Hawgs Teams April 2018


We had two teams going to Placer Bonito in April 2018. The first team was the Construction Team and our major construction project on this trip was a Community Center.  The Medical Team followed a week later and they held medical, dental, and vision clinics, along with health and hygiene training.  Both teams provided VBS classes for children and visited homes and sponsored children. Looking back on the experience, God blessed the team in so many ways.  Showing the love of Jesus Christ is what we do and this video is an example of the sincere love we have for the people in Placer Bonito.  The attached video, “Hope is….”, will give you some idea of those experiences that enriched the lives of the team and is a tribute to how Jesus Christ has called ordinary people to love the people in this community.

Your prayer support during our visit provided those blessings, not only for the team, but also for the community.  Thank you again for your generosity in supporting the projects in Placer Bonito.  It is so encouraging to see people step up and make the decision to make a difference in the lives of other people.  Our team and the community have been blessed beyond measure by those of you who have supported us through your prayers and financial resources.