
Hope Realized

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Hope Realized from Jefehawg on Vimeo.

Alleviating poverty is complex and time consuming.  It is not as simple as giving someone money or some other resource because that just increases a person’s consumption and poverty.

The real heart of alleviating poverty is overcoming the “poverty of thinking”.   And the two most important components of this poverty of thinking is Spiritual poverty and Physical poverty.

Overcoming Spiritual poverty starts by understanding the purpose of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Through the knowledge of Jesus Christ, we accept His loving Grace and Truth and receive His redemption of our sins and become reconciled to Him and to other members of society.  This involves teaching the Biblical Worldview in building relationships and serving and meeting the needs of other members of the community.

Overcoming Physical poverty starts with understanding God’s creation.  Through the knowledge of God’s creation and the science that supports that knowledge, training is provided in horticulture techniques, irrigation methods, plant nutrition, organic farming, and developing crop markets.

This is Hope Realized. You see it in the faces of the men, women and children in the community.  You also see the desire of the community to break the bonds of “poverty of thinking” and to tell others about what they have learned.

This is Hope Transferred.  The opportunity is now available go beyond the Placer Bonito area and impact poverty in other communities.  The adjacent community of La Guazara is interested in learning how to break the bonds on poverty through a similar agriculture project.  The exciting part of this project is the farmers of Placer Bonito want to help pass on the knowledge overcoming spiritual and physical poverty.